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Last Minute Year-End Fundraising Tips

The end of the year is a great time to help your nonprofit meet its financial goals. Nearly 1/3rd of total giving occurs in the month of December. Moreover, 12% of all giving occurs in the last 3 days of the year. This is why the end of the year is such a critical time for most nonprofits. Here are some year-end fundraising tips to assist you in a successful giving season.

8 Tips for Your Giving Tuesday Campaign

Giving Tuesday is a global movement to create an international day of charitable giving. It was started in 2012 and has grown into a global movement that has inspired millions of people. Last year, donors gave nearly $2 billion dollars on Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday takes place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and it helps kick off the charitable giving season – a time where many nonprofits raise 30% - 40% of their total annual giving. This year, Giving Tuesday falls on December 1st 2020. Here are 8 tips to help make your Giving Tuesday campaign a success!

5 Ways to Promote Facebook Birthday Fundraisers

Using Facebook fundraisers to raise money and awareness about your nonprofit is one of the most effective fundraising tools available. Over $2B has been raised for nonprofits and personal causes since launching in 2015. About half of those funds, $1B, have come from Facebook’s birthday fundraisers, which allow users to ask their family and friends to donate to the nonprofit they are supporting. If your nonprofit uses Facebook’s payment platform to process donations, then there are no fees involved - 100% of the donations go to your nonprofit. Here are 5 tips on how to promote Facebook birthday fundraisers and raise mission-critical funds for your nonprofit.

5 Ways to Diversify A Nonprofit's Fundraising Strategy

Diversifying your nonprofit's fundraising strategy is crucial for its long-term success and resilience. Over reliance on a single funding source can be risky, as economic downturns or changes in donor priorities can disrupt an organization's financial stability. To mitigate this risk and ensure long-term success, diversifying your nonprofit's fundraising strategy is essential. In this blog post, we will explore five effective ways to diversify your nonprofit's fundraising efforts.